Tag Archives: Satan

Better Never Than Late


I’d like to take some time and tell you a little about my parents. They have been married for 37 years and are still going strong. I’m very proud of them for that, but it’s really not something special for them. You see, they have a bit of a different perspective on life.

They aren’t quitters. Actually, I think it’s deeper than that they aren’t quitters. They do everything to the best of their ability. It’s a part of who they are. If you know my parents you know how dependable they are. I used to get frustrated because my mom would volunteer to do all sorts of things, but now that I am older I realize that she did it because she loves other people and wants to glorify God with her life.

If you ask my dad to do a job I can personally guarantee you that the job will be done to perfection if absolutely possible. The same goes with my mom. She doesn’t just do things to get by, she goes all out so that whatever she does is excellent. If either of them say they’ll do something or be somewhere, then unless there is an emergency they can’t avoid, you can count with assurance that they will follow through.

They won’t even be late. My mom used to say “better never than late”. If I ever came in late without calling I was in deep trouble.

They don’t do this for the accolades. Sure, people thank them, but that is not their purpose. They do this because that is who they are. It glorifies God for them to live like this. I’m proud of my parents, and I’m proud to be their son.

There is a famine of this kind of character in our world today. It is not uncommon today for people to sign up for a task and then fail to follow through. It is common for people to say they’ll be somewhere and never show up. They’ll even go so far as to avoid texts and calls to keep from having to lie about why they didn’t show. I’ve baptized so many people who never came back to church or even showed Christianity by their lives yet claim constantly that they are Christians. People all over the place claim one thing and live another. It is hypocrisy and deception.

The strange thing is some of these very people will turn around and say that they don’t like church because of all the hypocrites there.

It’s time to stop. When you became a Christian, you confessed that you wanted to make Jesus The Lord of your life. If you didn’t make that confession, then you aren’t a Christian. That’s what being a Christian is – being a Christ-follower – one who allows Jesus to make the character calls in your life. He is Lord. Jesus said “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.(Matthew 7:21)”

Jesus wasn’t flaky. He didn’t lie to people and let them down. He didn’t avoid people to keep from having to make excuses for them. He wasn’t wishy-washy in His dedication to make sure you were saved from your sins.

I know this sounds pretty harsh. I guess the lie that did it for me was the countless Christians who said “I’ll see you at church” but continually never showed.

They aren’t letting me down. They weren’t holding me up. But it does hurt my heart for people to so blatantly lie about their Christianity. People constantly say they believe in Jesus. “Jesus is Lord.” But their lives show otherwise.

Your actions show your allegiance. If you are living a lie, then it is time to stop. Stop living a lie and start living for Jesus the way you claim. He forgives. He’s waiting to take you in, but as long as you allow the lies to flow freely – as long as you don’t allow Him to control your life then someone else is in control. Jesus said it like this, “You belong to your father, the devil, … When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)”

I know that’s hard to hear, but I’m hoping that if you see the severity of what you may think is “no big deal” you’ll begin to think differently. If this has been you, then there is forgiveness and grace in Jesus. Come back to him. Confess your sins. Repent and turn back to God. Then live with dedication remembering that everything you do should glorify God. Christians should outshine everyone in dependability and work ethic and trustworthiness because of their desire to glorify the Almighty with all they are.

Jesus still loves you. The church still needs you. It’s not too late to change.

A Love/Hate Relationship with Walking


About a month ago I got a pretty serious infection in my foot. I had been in some nasty water and then got an ant bite. When I scratched it, infection set in and swelled my foot right up. I got to where I could feel the pain from the infection all the way up my leg and down the other leg before I got treatment. It was painful to walk. I mean REALLY painful.

Then, one day the infection came out, and oh the relief! I have never been so grateful to be able to walk in my entire life. Walking had been so difficult, and now it was easy. I actually thanked God for the ability to walk.

A few weeks ago my truck stopped working. It had been having some trouble, but it finally got to where it just wouldn’t start. I am a very mobile person with a lot to do, so this was difficult for me. I tried to ride my bike, and one day I set off to run some errands around town on my bicycle. About two-thirds of the way to my first destination my pedal came right off. The threading had stripped. I was too far away from the house to go back home right away, so I just did the errands on foot – pushing my bicycle along.

It was frustrating. I really wished I didn’t have to walk.

You ever feel this way? One day something is a blessing and the next day it is a curse. Maybe it is a job or a house or a car or even a relationship. Why is the grass always greener on the other side? Why are we so fickle? Why can’t we just be content with what we have?

We want what we do not have and do not want what we do have because satan is a liar and we buy into his lies.

God has placed you in that house or job or relationship to glorify Him. How can you do that if you are always worried about how horrible your situation is or how much better it would be if this or that was different. Husbands and wives, how can you glorify God in your relationship if you are always wishing your spouse was different rather than celebrating who God made them to be?

The writer of the letter to the Hebrews said this:

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5

Are you content with what you have? If you’re always complaining about it or wishing it was different then you aren’t. Contentment comes from know that it is God who provides, and you are under His care. Contentment is trust in your Heavenly Father to take care of you and to have provided what is best for you.

Do you trust God? Show it by being content with your life, job, house, car, income, and especially your spouse. Then you will be able to glorify Him for His innumerable blessings.